Delete A Personal Ad Account On Facebook In 2025: Full Instructions + Video

Author Henry Duy
10m reading

Whether you want to delete a personal ad account on Facebook to secure your information, or simply because you don’t use this ad account anymore, you have been in the right place. This article provides a step-by-step guide to deleting your Facebook ad account and things you should know before and after this deletion. Ready to disconnect? Let’s get started!

Delete A Personal Ad Account On Facebook In 2025: Full Instructions + Video
Delete A Personal Ad Account On Facebook In 2025: Full Instructions + Video

Why Delete A Personal Ad Account On Facebook?

Before you delete your Facebook personal ad account, reconsider if this is the right decision.

Be prepared that all of your ads will be shut down along with the deleted ad account. You won’t be able to create new ads or access campaign data with it. 

Here are some circumstances when you should consider deleting your Facebook personal ad account.

You no longer use the personal ad account

If you don’t plan to use your Facebook personal ad account (e.g., you switch to business ad accounts), consider deleting it.

This helps secure it from being compromised, hacked, or disabled due to some unusual activity. 

>>> To learn more about Facebook personal ad accounts, read this: Mastering Facebook Personal Ad Account: A Guide For Optimal Results In 2025

You move to another advertising platform

Facebook can be a wonderful platform for businesses to reach potential customers, but sometimes it doesn’t work for you. If you are considering another advertising platform, then deleting your Facebook ad account can be the right move to ensure you won’t be surprised by unexpected charges from old campaigns.

Initial Steps To Take Before Deleting A Personal Ad Account on Facebook

Before you delete your Facebook personal ad account, here are some initial steps to take.

Reviewing your campaigns

Reviewing your campaigns
Reviewing your campaigns

Deleting a personal ad account will put a full stop to all of your existing campaigns, and you won’t be able to restart them unless you recover your ad account. Therefore, you should review and assess your campaigns to see if any are performing well, and reconsider the deletion. 

Informing team members 

Deleting a Facebook ad account doesn’t just affect you but also impacts everyone who has access to it. So make sure you inform your team members about the date and time of deletion to minimize disruption.

Paying outstanding balance

Facebook will delay you from deleting an ad account if there’s still an unpaid balance. Pay the remaining bills on your personal ad account in full to expedite the process.

Ensuring your control

Ensure you have full control of the personal ad account (ad account admin) so that you can delete it without obstacles.

Using a computer

You must use a computer to delete an ad account on Facebook Ads Manager.

If you are all done, let’s immediately delve into how to remove a personal ad account from Facebook.

How To Delete A Personal Ad Account On Facebook In 2025?

Follow the 4 simple steps below to delete your Facebook personal ad account in under a minute.

Step 1: Access Ad account settings

Access Ad account settings
Access Ad account settings

Log into Facebook, then navigate to Ad account settings by following this link: 

Step 2: Deactivate the ad account

Deactivate the ad account
Deactivate the ad account

Select Deactivate Ad Account underneath the header Business Payments

Step 3: Select a reason

Select a reason
Select a reason

In the pop-up form, choose from one of the reasons suggested by Facebook or choose Other and comment on another reason.

Step 4: Confirm the deletion

Click the blue Deactivate Ad Account button to confirm your action.

Want a visual guide? Check out our tutorial video on how to delete personal ad accounts on Facebook:


Why Can’t I Delete A Personal Ad Account On Facebook?

If you fail to delete a personal ad account on Facebook, please recheck:

Your role on the ad account

You must be the ad account owner or admin to remove a personal ad account on Facebook. You can’t delete it if you are only set as an advertiser or analyst.

Your current balance

Remaining balance
Remaining balance

You also cannot delete a personal ad account on Facebook if there is a remaining balance. In case Facebook cannot charge your existing associated card, add another payment method to pay. Once your ad account is deleted, all payment methods will be removed automatically. 

If it has been 2 days since you cleared out the balances and your ad account still cannot be deleted, contact Facebook ad support for help. 

How To Remove Yourself From A Facebook Personal Ad Account 

Remove Yourself From A Facebook Personal Ad Account 
Remove Yourself From A Facebook Personal Ad Account

If you are not an admin of the ad account, you can remove yourself from this personal ad account. Follow these steps:

  • Log into Facebook
  • Go to Ads Manager Settings
  • Find the Ad account roles section.
  • Find your Facebook account and select Remove User.

>>> Related: How To Create A Personal Ad Account On Facebook (6 Steps)


While it’s easy to delete a personal ad account on Facebook, this is a big decision with lasting implications that should be taken correctly. In this article, we have provided clear and detailed instructions on how to delete a Facebook personal ad account. By following these steps, you can navigate the process seamlessly.  

If you need further help, chat with GDT Agency for immediate expert advice using the contact information at the bottom of this page. We’re happy to assist.

  • Herry Duy

    Henry Duy is the CEO and Founder of GDT Agency, and is a highly accomplished expert in Digital Marketing in the Philipines, Vietnam and the international market.

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