3+ Advices To Use Facebook Ads For Construction Companies

Author Henry Duy
10m reading

If you are a contractor looking to find more potential customers, families with housing needs. You’ll want to push hard on digital marketing. Online advertising today is extremely diverse to suit that purpose. In today’s article, let me give you the most suitable advice for running Facebook Ads for construction companies.

3+ Advices To Use Facebook Ads For Construction Companies
3+ Advices To Use Facebook Ads For Construction Companies

Some Advice To Run Facebook Ads For Construction Companies

At the beginning of this article, I will share some advice and tips for you to use Facebook Ads for your construction companies more effectively. Attention tracking.

Building A Reputable Fanpage for Construction Companies

This is an important and indispensable step if you want to advertise effectively. One of the basics of this type of business is building a reputable image in the eyes of customers as well as Facebook. If Facebook rates your page highly, it means the ads will have their own advantages. And Facebook will also suggest your ads to potential customers.

You should not focus too much on advertising. You also have to build a series of good content to get organic visitors. You also need to make sure the images and content on the page are in sync with the advertising content. This creates a difference for customers to remember your brand.

Target the right audience with your ads

You can use Facebook Ads to target custom customers. For the first few ads, I think you should keep your campaign budget low. Make it just enough to collect valuable customer information. From there, you make a list of customer demographic information and build customer insight accordingly.

Once you have identified specific customers, you can build appropriate advertising content from images to style. The goal is to make customers feel most attractive and comfortable when they see your ad. For example, for customers who love classical architecture, you can use videos of classical house architecture and use a strong voice with lots of bass to create credibility while still expressing the content. suitable for them.

Generate new ideas

Generate new ideas
Generate new ideas

Marketing is unlimited. Therefore, I recommend that you learn many types of content and create new advertising ideas for your brand. Customers sometimes do not want to read or watch too much dry information about specifications, materials, and raw materials. You need to incorporate new content and new creativity to make your advertising richer.

Invest heavily in videos and images

To use Facebook Ads for construction companies effectively, you need to invest a lot in videos and images. The reason for this part is extremely simple, your customers will not want to contact the company to buy real estate if they see poor-quality advertising videos and images.

You know, advertisements should use self-shot images. At the same time, it is meticulously edited so that it impresses customers. Images must always be high quality and not violate Facebook policies. Advertising videos should be videos with 1080p quality or higher. In the first 5 seconds, you have to really get customers’ attention so they don’t ignore your advertisement. Content and CTAs also need to be properly integrated to create conversion orders.

Optimize advertising components

You don’t want your Facebook advertising campaigns to have no improvement in cost or advertising performance. What you need to do is track and analyze Facebook Ads results to maximize advertising performance. Makes future ads more effective than old ads.

Besides, you also need to test different ad types and different campaign goals. The reason here is so you know which types of ads need to be optimized for which components. And you will also know what types of ads you should run for which customers.

Optimizing advertising is always a headache and difficult problem. However, you should focus and pay attention to the components of the ad to best optimize it. To better optimize ad componets, ad budget, ad review, please refer Facebook Agency Account For Rent.

Currently, Facebook Ads provides you with enough tools to measure the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. From there, optimize the indicators for current advertising and adjust to make future campaigns more reasonable. One of them is Creative Compass Facebook Ads.

>>> Read now: How To Use Facebook Ads For Life Coaches Effectively 2023?

Why You Should Run Facebook Ads For Construction Companies?

In the next part of this article, I want to share with you a better understanding of why you should choose Facebook Ads for construction companies. Of course, along with it will be small tips for each section to use Facebook Ads for contruction companies effectively.

A large amount of traffic

The first thing to mention is that the daily traffic to this platform is very high regardless of device. This includes potential customers with real estate needs. That is a large market of customers that you need to pay attention to.

But besides that, you also need to pay attention to some conditions. Because the number of customers is large, you can reach them easily, so can they ignore your ads. There are many competitors and it is difficult for you to compete with them. In general, what you need to do is understand and optimize Facebook ads to reach a large number of target customers.

Effective measurement tool

Effective measurement tool
Effective measurement tool

The important thing you need to pay attention to here. That’s about advertising effectiveness. You don’t want ads to continuously burn money without viewers taking action, or they refuse to watch the ad. You need to know where your ad is doing well. Do you want to know if spending money on this type of marketing is effective? As I shared above, Facebook Ads provide tools to measure advertising effectiveness. What you need to do is research carefully and find the optimal solution that best suits you.

Target the right customers

As of now, in September 2023, Facebook Ads has updated many functions to help you target appropriate customers. If you can take advantage of this to have suitable advertising campaigns, the probability of success is very high.

For example, the look-a-like targeting function. It suggests to you similar customers with the same real estate needs from previous ads. What you need to do is add interesting advertisements related to the construction company’s products to them. For better targeting on Facebook Ads for construction companies, you can use a Facebook Agency Account to optimize your advertising campaign


Last but not least, if you want to use Facebook Ads for contruction companies effectively and optimize costs. You should rent an agency account from GDT Agency. Currently, this type of account shows that it is a high-end product for professional advertisers. If the difficulties are in common account types such as: suspended ads, long review times, suspended accounts, or suspended accounts,… it can make you crazy. Then for the agency account, this will end. 

  • Herry Duy

    Henry Duy is the CEO and Founder of GDT Agency, and is a highly accomplished expert in Digital Marketing in the Philipines, Vietnam and the international market.

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