Guide On How To Add Agency To Facebook Ad Account In 2025

Author Henry Duy
10m reading

How To Add Agency To Facebook Ad Account? Normally, Agency will need you to grant access to your advertising account to find problems and provide correct solutions. Read this article entirely to understand the steps to add an Agency to your Facebook advertising account. I will also carefully analyze the accessibility options and why you need to add an Agency to your Facebook advertising account later in the article.

How to add Agency to Facebook Ad account
How to add agency to Facebook ad account?

Initial Setup Steps To Add Agency To Facebook Ad Account

In the first part of the article, I will show you an initial setup for adding an agency to your Facebook advertising account.

Initial setup steps
Initial setup steps

First, you need to contact the Agency to find out information. You must understand clearly about that Agency’s services. If you have verified the Agency’s reputation from an accurate source of information, you can get started.

Next, the Agency must own a personal Facebook account and be friends with the Facebook account containing your advertising account to be able to grant permission. Get everything ready to start the process of adding an Agency to your Facebook Ads account.

Guide On How To Add Agency To Facebook Ad Account

Next, I will show you how to add an Agency to Facebook Ad Account. Of course, it will include images for each specific step, so you can follow these images easily.

Step to add Agency to Facebook Ad Account

Step 1: Go to “Meta Ads Manager” by accessing this link: The screen below will show up: 

Access Meta Ads Manager
Access Meta Ads Manager

Step 2: Select “Ad account settings”:

Select Ad account settings
Select ‘Ad account settings’

Step 3: Scroll down and focus on the “Ad account roles” section. Click on the “Add people” blue button:

Click Add people
Click ‘Add people’

Step 4: A small window will appear. When you press the button with a triangle as shown in the image below, 3 options will appear including Analyst, Admin, and Advertiser. Select the role you want to add. (To better understand these 3 roles, read the analysis section later in the article)

Select the roles
Select the roles

Step 5: Next, enter the Facebook name or email of the Agency you want to grant permission to in the space. Then select “Confirm”. It is done.

enter the facebook name or email then select confirm
Enter the Facebook name or email then select ‘Confirm’

When you finish step 5, the Agency can begin accessing your ad account and performing tasks.

Some notes about sharing Facebook ad account access rights

Here are some small notes when adding an Agency to your Facebook Agency Account Rent. First, you can only grant ad account access to people with Facebook accounts. In this section, Facebook requires you to be a Friend with the Agency account you want to add to the advertising account. Please verify the correct information to avoid confusion with other Facebook Ads accounts. If this happens, wrongdoers can completely exploit your advertising account to take dangerous actions.

Notes about Facebook Ad account access rights
Notes about Facebook Ad account access rights

After finishing the above steps of the guide on how to add Agency to Facebook Ad Account, the Agency can begin accessing the advertising account and analyzing, extracting data, optimizing budgets, editing payment methods, etc. Whatever it is, it’s important to understand your ad account access options. Please pay attention to the next part of the article, I will carefully analyze these options for you.

⇒ Explore the topic: How to get a Facebook Agency Account for smooth advertising?

Why do you need to add an Agency to your Facebook Ads account?

In the next part of the article, I will analyze the reasons why you should add an Agency to your Facebook ad account. If you feel the following will help your advertising activities on Facebook, you may consider adding an Agency to your Facebook advertising account.

Why do you need to add Agency to your Facebook Ads account

Why do you need to add an Agency to your Facebook Ads account?

  • Agency supports you in handling account problems:
    During the advertising process, you will certainly encounter many problems related to your ad account. The agency will assist you in detecting and handling advertising account problems. If your account is in bad condition and the problems cannot be resolved, the Agency will offer some other more reasonable solutions. 
  • Agency helps you check advertising performance:
    After the agency accesses your advertising account, they will assist you in checking advertising performance, detecting instability problems that the account is facing, or providing timely solutions and long-term solutions.
  • Analyze advertising accounts:
    When you share “Analyst” or “Admin” permissions with the Agency, they can help you by sharing knowledge to compile and optimize advertising metrics, helping you clearly understand how Facebook Ads work. Sometimes they also share valuable experiences to help make advertising more effective.
  • Optimize campaign budget:
    They can access data on costs and manage them simply. They can view and set up ads with payment methods to adjust some metrics. They can also help you spot problems with the card you’re using for your advertising bills. If there are errors, they will give you some better suggestions.

Ad Account Access Options

As I shared above, access rights to advertising accounts can be one of 3 options: Analyst, Admin, and Advertiser. Below, I will specifically analyze the access rights that you can share with the Agency. Each access rights option contains different functions, so please pay attention.


For the “Analyst” option, Agency can view ads and access ad reports. This option is for those who need the Agency’s help in extracting important metrics or analyzing indicators to optimize advertising. If you just need them to analyze metrics or check ad status, this option is the safest for you.



When selecting “Advertiser” rights, the Agency can view, edit, and set up advertising campaigns. Of course, the advertising campaign will have a payment method that you have previously set up, and the “Advertiser” permission does not allow the Agency to edit the payment method. Agencies with “Advertiser” permission can only view the payment method of the advertising account.



If you select “Admin” rights, the Agency can create, edit, view ads, access ad reports, and edit account payment methods. People with “Admin” rights can also add other Facebook accounts to the advertising account. This is the highest permission to access and edit everything on the ad account. So be careful when choosing this right.


If you find these options a bit confusing, you can check out the access rights summary table below to get a clearer understanding:

Access rights summary table
Access rights summary table

I hope that after carefully reading the Guide On How To Add Agency To Facebook Ad Account, you can start working with the Agency to fix the problems your account is having. If you have questions related to advertising or Facebook Ads Account problems, contact GDT Agency through the contact below:

  • Herry Duy

    Henry Duy is the CEO and Founder of GDT Agency, and is a highly accomplished expert in Digital Marketing in the Philipines, Vietnam and the international market.

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