3 Easy Steps To Request An Instagram Ads Refund In 2025

Author Henry Duy
10m reading

Requesting an Instagram ads refund can be complex. To do it successfully, you must understand the policy and procedure for refunds for Instagram ads. In this article, I will show you how to refund money from Instagram ads easily. I also have some practices to ensure a 100% successful refund request.

How To Request An Instagram Ads Refund
How To Request An Instagram Ads Refund

What Is An Instagram Ads Refund?

An Instagram ad refund is the procedure when you ask Instagram (Meta) for a refund on your ad spend due to certain reasons, usually issues from Instagram’s end or other technical problems. 

To get a refund from Instagram ads, you must provide detailed information and supporting evidence to prove that your request is valid.

When Will Instagram Accept Refunds For Ads?

Instagram in particular and Meta’s platforms in general only accept refunds in certain cases. 

Below are some scenarios when you may get a refund for Instagram ads.

Severe system errors

Instagram system errors
Instagram system errors

If there are serious system bugs on Instagram that affect your ad delivery significantly and prolongedly, you may request a refund.

For example: You are running an advertising campaign for a big event of your business.

However, due to Instagram’s technical issue, your ads cannot run properly for a whole week. This loses you a large number of potential customers.

In this case, you can request an Instagram ads refund.

Erroneous overspending

If your Instagram ads spend more than the bid or spending limit you’ve set due to a technical bug from Instagram, the platform may accept a refund. 

For instance: If you set a daily budget of $50 but Instagram erroneously charges you $100, you may require a refund for the overspent amount.

When Will Instagram Deny A Refund For Ads?

Here are some situations when you cannot retrieve money refunds for Instagram ads.

Poor ad performance 

According to Meta, they cannot guarantee that your Instagram ads will achieve the outcome you want. 

Thus, they never give refunds for campaigns with poor performance.

For example: If you aim to generate 1,000 leads but only get 500, Instagram won’t refund your money.

Instagram analytics/reporting tool bug

Instagram ads refunds don’t apply to bugs in analytics and reporting tools. 

This is because Meta believes those errors cannot affect your ad delivery directly. 

Blocked spending and bad delivery

Meta won’t refund money in case advertisers have difficulties in creating and managing campaigns due to system bugs. 

Specifically, issues like the inability to create new ads, the inability to view results, and ads not delivered well cannot request a refund. 

Disabled ad account

Disabled Instagram ad account
Disabled Instagram ad account

Especially, if your ad account is disabled or restricted from advertising due to a policy violation, you won’t be able to request refunds. 

Ad display issue

If Instagram’s system bugs cause display issues to your image or video ads but don’t affect the delivery, you won’t get a refund. 

Meta says that it’s a minor error and not a valid reason.

Now that you know when you can or cannot request a refund, let’s delve into the refund request procedure for your ads.

How To Get A Refund From Instagram Ads? (2025)

If you qualify for a refund, you can follow the 3 steps below to submit a request and get your money back.

Step #1: Go to Billing & Payments

Go to Billing & Payments
Go to Billing & Payments
  • On your Instagram profile page, tap the three-bar icon in the top right.
  • Select Business Tools and Controls > Ad payments > Billing & Payments.

Step #2: Request a refund

Request a refund
Request a refund
  • In the Billing & Payments page, select Get Payment Support.
  • Under What you need help with, select A Payment.
  • Select Request A Refund.
  • Choose the payment you want to get a refund for.

Step #3: Submit the request

  • Fill in the required details, including:
    • Ad account ID
    • Campaign or ad ID
    • Reason for the refund request
    • Supporting evidence (if available)
  • Tap Submit to send the request.

After sending the request, you need to track your email and ad account regularly. Instagram may request additional info or evidence to make the final decision. Be prepared to provide the required details.

Important Notes For Successful Instagram Ads Refunds

Important Notes For Successful Instagram Ads Refunds

Not all refund requests are approved. However, there are some tips to help you increase your chance of success.

  • Make request quickly: Submit your refund request as soon as possible right after you detect the problem. Procrastination can make it harder for Instagram to verify your case.
  • Provide clear evidence: Provide clear and specific evidence such as screenshots, error logs, and ad performance reports to prove your request. 
  • Review Instagram policies: Instagram may change its refund policies over time, so review the latest policies to ensure you qualify.

Best Practices To Avoid Instagram Ads Fund Issues

Best Practices To Avoid Instagram Ads Fund Issues

Even when you’ve applied all the tips above, Instagram ad refunds are not guaranteed. Therefore, it’s better to prevent fund issues from happening in advance.

Here are some best practices to secure your finances when running Instagram ads:

  • Only fund the amount you need: Don’t top up too much money into your prepaid ad account or your linked credit card. Always keep a minimum amount on the card to prevent losses in case of sudden bugs or account bans.
  • Monitor ad spend regularly: Check your ad spend daily to detect unusual issues early.
  • Update Instagram’s policies: Stay up-to-date on Instagram’s advertising and refund policies to avoid innocent violations.
  • Rent Facebook agency ad account: Agencies like GDT Agency have an official partnership with Meta. We can help you top up your accounts and get refunds when issues arise quickly.


That’s how to get an Instagram ads refund. Remember, sending a refund request is easy, but it may go nowhere if Meta deems the reason invalid. 

So, follow my outlined tips and practices above to increase your opportunity to get your money back and protect yourself from future fund issues.

  • Herry Duy

    Henry Duy is the CEO and Founder of GDT Agency, and is a highly accomplished expert in Digital Marketing in the Philipines, Vietnam and the international market.

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