Why You Need To Run Facebook Ads For Instagram Followers?

Author Henry Duy
10m reading

As you know, Instagram is the most popular media file-sharing social networking platform today, and running Facebook Ads for Instagram followers is not a bad choice. Instagram is extremely popular in many countries and regions because it is a place where beautiful images and artistic values are concentrated. In today’s guide, I will show you why you need to run Facebook Ads to increase your Instagram followers.

Facebook ads for Instagram Followers
Facebook ads for Instagram Followers

Benefits When Running Facebook Ads For Instagram Followers

At the beginning of this article, we will show you some of the benefits of running Facebook Ads for Instagram followers. Some experiences on how to attract more followers on Instagram by running ads will also be shared below.

Increase brand awareness

For new ad viewers, it is really difficult to reach the right customers, intending to increase brand awareness. Customers can ignore your advertisement extremely easily if it does not stand out and the ideas are not attractive.

But for Facebook Ads for Instagram followers, you can choose campaign goals and customize the objects accordingly. It has the right set of tools and features for increasing brand awareness among IG users for your brand.

Increase traffic

Increase traffic
Increase traffic

When you use Facebook Ads, you can use campaigns that increase traffic to your brand’s Instagram. Users will see more visual images and videos about the products or services you are selling. Some functions on Instagram are very convenient so you can save photo albums for products and services for customer feedback. It’s up to them whether people who see the ad can interact on the fanpage or Instagram. But if they are interested and follow Instagram, you have the key to new advertising campaigns.

Advertising campaigns for new products and services

If you run Facebook Ads for Instagram followers, you can introduce and advertise new products and services. You can use carousel ads and create some Stories on Instagram that are suitable to introduce those products and services.

Now, according to my review and personal experience on Instagram. Reels are a trend that you should focus on to advertise. You can use some short videos and slideshows to advertise on IG Reels or FB Reels for your brand’s new products and services. There have been many people who have had success advertising on reels, so don’t miss it. To create more quality ads, you must know about increase your CTR, refer this content to know how to do that: What Is The Current Average CTR For Facebook Ads In 2024?

Enhance brand reputation

Enhance Brand reputation
Enhance Brand reputation

Enhancing brand reputation is always a difficult part of business. You always have to find ways to make customers feel your brand is reputable, find ways for customers to put their trust in them and buy products and use services. brand service. Instagram users can access ads if they are curious. If you have attractive advertising content and are consistent with your campaign goals to improve brand reputation, you should use Facebook Ads to start advertising and attracting Instagram users.

>>> Learn more: How To Sending Data From Facebook Ads To BigQuery In 2024?

Chat with customers

Sometimes, customers are difficult and only want to use Instagram for messaging, for some personal reasons. If you own a quality Instagram account, you should use it to message customers who need advice on products and services. It is like a destination for Facebook Ads if your customers want to text to ask about product information, services, brands, addresses, etc.

Advertising For Maximum Performance

For maximum ad performance, you should use a premium account. For agency accounts that Facebook grants to partners, it has extremely special features that make advertising optimization more convenient. That is fast ad approval time, durable ads, difficult to suspend, unlimited ads on budget, products, services,…

GDT Agency is proud to be one of the prestigious partners of Facebook, Google, and TikTok in the region. We provide Agency account rental services to advertise on social networking platforms. Businesses and customers who have used our agency accounts also feel that their ads are being optimized and effective over time. Choose to Rent Facebook Ad Account from GDT Agency today.

Simple Steps To Run Facebook Ads For Instagram Followers

Next, you need to know the basic steps to use Facebook Ads for Instagram followers. You need to go to the custom audience section to be able to target people who use Instagram, follow your profile on Instagram, or have visited your profile on Instagram,… To get To do this, follow the simple instructions below:

Simple steps to run Facebook Ads for Instagram followers
Simple steps to run Facebook Ads for Instagram followers

Go to Facebook Ads Manager and select the ‘Audiences‘ tab.

Click the blue ‘Create Audience‘ button on the Audience screen and click ‘Custom Audience‘ from the drop-down menu.

Click on the “Engagement” option from the list and select Instagram Business Profile, which allows you to include individuals who have previously shown interest in your Instagram profile or posts you have shared.

In this section, Facebook allows you to target with many options, which can be profile visitors, interactants, profile visitors,… on Instagram. You need to make the right choice to advertise effectively and target the right audience.


That’s all the content I want to share for you to understand about running Facebook Ads for Instagram followers. If you have questions related to Facebook advertising, contact us immediately:

  • Herry Duy

    Henry Duy is the CEO and Founder of GDT Agency, and is a highly accomplished expert in Digital Marketing in the Philipines, Vietnam and the international market.

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